This feature is in crawl as of 06/25/2024.
Multicolor highlighting in Case Builder allows you to assign one of 16 different highlight colors to each of your case tags. By default, tags possess the yellow highlight color. Highlight colors are visible in-line within the deposition transcript viewer. To see them, assign highlight colors on the Tags page, then apply tags to your annotations.
Multicolor highlights offer greater versatility than a singular color. Now you can use tag highlight colors to more effectively organize designations, or color code your work product to suit a variety of different workflows. Multicolor highlights are also exportable. For more details about exporting multicolor highlights, check out our updated export documentation.
Getting started
To get started with multicolor highlights, navigate to the Tags page.
Assign highlight colors
By default, your existing tags will be assigned the yellow highlight color. To change the highlight color of an existing tag, select the edit button and choose a different color from the available dropdown menu of colors.
When creating new tags, use the same color dropdown to select a highlight color for that tag.
Review highlight color ranking
When highlights overlap, colors appear as stacked bars on and above transcript text. Case Builder displays up to a maximum of four inline colors at once. Stacked color order is determined by highlight start location and color rank, with higher-ranked colors appearing closer to the transcript text.
In the example shown here, blue is the highest-ranked color. Red is the next highest-ranked color, followed by violet. Gold is the lowest-ranked highlight color.
To manage highlight color ranking globally for the case, select "Manage highlight color rankings" on the Tags page.
A panel for managing color highlight rankings will appear. Select colors and drag them up and down the highlight ranking list to prioritize colors relative one another for display.
Highlight color rank drives the stack order of overlapping highlight colors, unless a lower-ranked overlapping color started first. Colors with an earlier start location take precedence over surrounding colors, regardless of their rank.
Consider color contrast
For accessibility purposes and easiest distinguishability between highlight colors, DISCO recommends utilizing the following 6 colors most often. We also recommend leaving them as the highest-ranked colors in your case (by default, they are highest-ranked), unless your case requires a different configuration.
These color choices and ranking will assist with distinguishability in the application and PDF export. While DISCO offers additional highlight colors, we cannot guarantee optimal distinguishability and accessibility with other highlight color configurations. Use colors thoughtfully based on who will be viewing them, and aim to utilize dissimilar colors to assist with distinguishability.
Using highlights in the deposition viewer
Highlight colors are visible in-line within the deposition transcript viewer. They appear as bars of color, which stack when highlights overlap. To see highlight colors, assign colors on the Tags page, then apply tags to annotations in the transcript viewer. Untagged annotations show a yellow highlight color.
Editing an annotation’s highlight colors
Highlight colors are assigned directly to individual tags. To alter the highlight colors associated with an annotation, modify tag colors on the Tags page. Alternatively, you can modify which tags are associated with that annotation by adding or removing tags as needed.
Overlapping color constraint
Overlapping bars of the same color merge into a single color bar. When different colors overlap, they appear as stacked bars. Case Builder displays up to a maximum of four stacked color bars at once, in the application and PDF export.
If >4 unique highlight colors are overlapping, the lowest-ranked colors will not display in-line. It may be helpful to reference the tags from your annotation card. Tag chips reflect the tag's assigned highlight color.
Managing highlight density
When reviewing work product in the transcript viewer, you may wish to hide some highlight colors to focus on transcript text or simply to reduce visual clutter. There are several ways you can easily manage the number of highlight colors that are visible onscreen.
- Use the highlight visibility toggle to show or hide all highlight color bars. While toggled off, annotation highlights do not display. While highlights are hidden, hovering over or selecting an annotation reveals that annotation’s highlights.
- With highlights visible, hover over a single annotation to temporarily fade the highlight colors associated with surrounding annotations. This can help you focus on the colors associated with your hovered annotation, without losing context for surrounding highlight colors.
- With highlights visible, select a single annotation to temporarily hide all highlight colors not relevant to that annotation. In complex highlighting scenarios, this technique can help you focus on specific work product by dismissing irrelevant highlights while you focus on one annotation.