Cecilia Auto Timelines empowers users to quickly get started with Timelines by uploading a complaint or other work product. Using generative AI, facts are extracted from the uploaded document and then added to the timeline, reducing the time and effort required to generate a timeline manually today.
Starting Out
- To start, find the matter that a timeline will be generated for.
- Click on "Case Builder" to access the case that requires a timeline.
- The page will navigate to "Get started with a timeline."
Uploading a Document
- From the "Get started with a timeline" page, users are presented with three options.
- Drag and drop the complaint into the box
- Browse documents to upload
- Or, create a timeline manually through DISCO Case Builder
- Once a document is selected, the filename will appear and will be ready to generate a timeline once the green checkmark appears.
- If an incorrect document is selected, there is a trash button to allow the selection of a new document
- Cecilia Auto Timelines supports PDFs up to 25MBs in size
- Finally, press the "Generate timeline" button to start the process of auto-magically generating a timeline for the case.
Generating Timeline
- Once the generation process starts, Cecilia Auto Timelines will have a timeline prepared in an average of five minutes.
- In the top right corner of the screen, there is an activity button which will track the progress.
- At this stage, Cecilia Auto Timelines will work on creating a timeline automatically while users can focus on other tasks.
- If for any reason it is desired, there is a cancel button that will halt the generation process at the bottom center of the page.
Interacting with the Timeline
- Once the timeline is generated, the loading screen will change into the Case Builder timeline view.
- The legal team on the matter is now able to interact with the timeline as normal within the Case Builder app.
Verifying and Investigating the Facts
- While assessing the facts generated with Cecilia Auto Timelines, the legal team on the matter can verify the facts by checking the source.
- By pressing the pdf link at the bottom of each fact, a document viewer will appear on the right-hand side of the screen.
- The source of the fact will be highlighted in the viewer, enabling legal professionals to verify and investigate the facts on the source document.
- Lastly, the document viewer provides the option of leaving feedback. If there are any recommendations, observations, or grievances, team members can leave feedback by clicking the link. A text box will appear for feedback to be provided to the DISCO team.
Generating Additional Facts
- If there are more facts that need to be added from another source, there is the ability to have Cecilia Auto Timelines generate additional facts on the current timeline.
- By clicking the Cecilia Auto Timelines button (icon with two stars) in the top right corner, a box will appear to allow the legal team to upload additional documents.
- The process applying this workflow is identical to the workflow when starting a new timeline. The only difference is that Cecilia will add the additional facts to the current timeline.
Use of Cecilia Auto Timelines is subject to the supplementary terms at AI Supplementary Terms.