Filters allow you to quickly search your timeline by categories such as Evidence, Statuses, Tags, and Witnesses. You can also use filters before or after running a search, such as by a key word or phrase, to further refine the results.
Navigating search filters
On the Timeline page, click the filter icon under the Timeline heading to open the Filters panel. Categories and subcategories organize the individual facets. Facets are the collection of terms and fact counts for an individual search attribute. You can quickly expand or collapse the categories for easy navigation. Alternatively, search for the name of a category or subcategory to quickly limit the filters panel.
Most facets are ordered according to the number of facts, but are fixed when the facets themselves are set, like the various Statuses (Key fact, Case impact, Disputed status). Tag groups are ordered according to their order on the tag page, which can be modified by users on that page. If there are more than 5 facet terms, click Show all to display and scroll additional terms.
Filtering for facts
Selecting a term will return facts matching the facet criteria. Selecting a term in one category or subcategory will update the counts displayed in other categories and subcategories. Selected terms are displayed in pills above the timeline.
Select a parent facet, such as a tag group, to quickly select all of the individual filters in that group. In the example above, selecting the Issues tag group selects the filters for all the tags in that tag group. You can also use shift-select to quickly select several filter terms.
Search filter pills
For each selected facet, a pill is created. You can hover over the pill to see the full contents, which is helpful for complex search criteria. You can also click the pill to remove any specific term, or simply remove the entire pill from your search criteria:
Search Syntax
You can find facts and corresponding work product and metadata using the search bar, which operates much like its DISCO Ediscovery counterpart, legal research software (such as Westlaw or Lexis), or Google. Note that when you search on the Timeline page, the search is limited to facts on the Timeline and does not search through the Depositions or Annotations pages.
See Case Builder search manual for search basics, supported operators, and order of operations. You can always expand the search bar for a quick guide on commonly used syntax.
A search query that does not specify a field (i.e., “fieldless”) will search through the fact titles, details, and notes as well as the evidence title and details. Within the parentheses, you can use operators (such as & or quotation marks), and multiple fields can be searched simultaneously to narrow the results (such as date(1/1/2020) & witness(Ball) & “carbon scrubbers”).
Command | Description | Example |
date | Date of the fact. Returns results where all or some of the fact falls within the date being searched for. |
date(2020) -- Any fact where all or some of the fact may have occurred during the year 2020. Ex: 2020, 2019-2023; Mar 1, 2020 date(1/2020) --Any fact where where all or some of the fact may have occurred during Jan 2020. Ex: Jan 2020, Jan 28, 2020; Jan 3, 2020 11:00 AM; 2019-2023 date(1/15/2020) --Any fact where all or some of the fact may have occurred during Jan 15, 2020. Ex: 2020, 2019-2023; Jan 15, 2020; Jan 15, 2020 8:00 PM date(1/15/2020T9:30:00) -- Any fact where all or some of the fact may have occurred at 9:30 A.M. on Jan 15, 2020 |
title | User-provided title of the fact |
title(accounting) --Any fact with accounting in its fact title |
details | User-provided details of the fact |
details("carbon scrubber") --Any fact with the exact phrase carbon scrubber in its details |
factText | Text of the fact title, details, or notes |
factText("contamination") --Any fact with "contamination" in the fact title, details, or notes |
Command | Description | Example |
hasEvidence | Whether the fact has evidence |
hasEvidence(true) or hasEvidence(yes) --Any fact that has evidence hasEvidence(false) or hasEvidence(no) --Any fact that has no evidence |
evidenceText | Text of the evidence |
evidenceText("water") -- Any fact that has evidence where “water” appears in either the evidence title, URL link, or details |
hasEvidenceTitle | Whether the evidence has a title |
hasEvidenceTitle(true) or hasEvidenceTitle(yes) --Any fact that has evidence with a non-empty title hasEvidenceTitle(false) or hasEvidenceTitle(no) --Any fact that has evidence with an empty title |
evidenceTitle | Text of the evidence title |
evidenceTitle("water") --Any fact that has evidence where "water" appears in the title |
evidenceType | Type of evidence |
evidenceType(url) --Any fact that has evidence with a non-empty URL link field evidenceType(none) --Any fact that has evidence with an empty URL link field
evidenceURL | Text of the evidence URL |
evidenceURL("mail") --Any fact that has evidence where "mail" is contained in the URL |
evidenceRelationship | Relationship of the evidence to the fact |
evidenceRelationship(proves) --Any fact that has evidence that proves the fact evidenceRelationship(disproves) --Any fact that has evidence that disproves the fact evidenceRelationship(neutral) --Any fact that has evidence neutral to the fact evidenceRelationship(unassigned) --Any fact that has evidence where the relationship is unassigned |
hasEvidenceDetails | Whether evidence has details provided |
hasEvidenceDetails(true) or hasEvidenceDetails(yes) --Any fact that has evidence with a non-empty details field hasEvidenceDetails(false) or hasEvidenceDetails(no) --Any fact that has evidence with an empty details field |
evidenceDetails | Text of the evidence details |
evidenceDetails("employment") --Any fact that has evidence where "employment" is contained in the evidence details |
evidenceCount | Count of evidence on the fact |
evidenceCount(>1) --Any fact that has more than 1 piece of evidence
evidenceCount(2) --Any fact that has exactly 2 pieces of evidence
Command | Description | Example |
key | Whether a fact is a key fact. |
key(true) or key(yes) -- Any fact with a Key fact status key(false) or key(no) -- Any fact with a Not a key fact status |
disputed | Whether a fact is disputed |
disputed(true) or disputed(yes) -- Any fact with a Disputed status disputed(false) or disputed(no) -- Any fact with an Undisputed status disputed(unassigned) -- Any fact with Not assigned disputed status |
impact | What impact the fact has on a case |
impact(helpful) -- Any fact with a helpful status impact(harmful) -- Any fact with a harmful status impact(unassigned) -- Any fact with Not assigned impact status |
Work product
Command | Description | Example |
tag | Tags on the fact |
tag(contract or designation) — Any fact with the contract or designation tag |
note | Inline fact notes |
note(carbon % oxygen) --Any fact note containing carbon but does not have oxygen |
Witness related
Command | Description | Example |
witness | Name of the witness |
witness(Smith) — Witnesses added to facts with Smith as either the first or last name |
partyAlignment | User-provided party alignment of the witness |
partyAlignment(Plaintiff) — Any witness added to a fact that has been identified as affiliated with the Plaintiff |
isExpert | User-provided; whether the witness is an expert in this case |
isExpert(yes) — Any witness added to a fact that has been identified as an expert |
Command | Description | Example |
createdBy | Email address of user who created the fact |
createdBy( --Any fact created by the user with the email address of |
createdDate | Date the fact was created |
createdDate(1/1/2019) --Any fact created on January 1, 2019 |
lastUpdatedBy | Email address of user who last updated the fact |
lastUpdatedBy( --Any fact last updated by the user with the email address of |
lastUpdatedDate | Date the fact was last updated |
lastUpdatedDate(1/1/2019) --Any fact updated on January 1, 2019 |
Work product modifiers
Facts’ tags and notes can be searched by dates added and users adding them, as well as by the user-appended “impact” evaluation that can be optionally applied to any tag.
Syntax | Description |
tag(by | Facts tagged by |
tag(designation & by | Facts tagged designation by |
tag(damages % by | Facts tagged damages by someone other than |
tag(by & on 10/16/2015) | Facts tagged by on 10/16/2015 |
tag(damages & by & before 10/16/2015) | Facts tagged damages by before 10/16/2015 |
note(“carbon scrubber” & by & before 10/16/2015) | Facts with a note containing “carbon scrubber” by before 10/16/2015 |
tag(damages & impact helpful) | Facts tagged damages with helpful impact |
Search results can be sorted by the following fields:
- Date
- Title
- Evidence count
- Tag count
- Witness count
- Note count
- Created on
- Created by
- Last updated on
- Last updated by
Each field sort can be ordered descending or ascending, and facts matching the search are displayed in the results. Results can be expanded, in which case the entire selection is displayed and all actions are available, or collapsed, for quickly skimming the results.
Find in timeline
Clicking on the binocular icon or using CTRL-F (Windows) or Command+F (Mac) will pull up the "Find in timeline". This allows you to search through the currently displayed facts and is useful if a search or filter is already applied.
The "Find in timeline" accepts the same search syntax as the main Timelines search bar, with one difference being that, for fieldless entries, the "Find in timeline" will search for facts matching that substring across fact title, fact details, fact notes, evidence title, and evidence details. Ex: Typing in "wat" will pull up results that contain "water".
Facts matching the "Find in timeline" search will be ringed in blue and noted on the mini-map with a blue tick mark.
Jump to the facts that match the search using the up and down jumper arrows.
View a summary of up to 10 facts that match the "Find in timeline" search by clicking on the list view icon. You can jump directly to those facts by clicking on them from here. To see beyond the first 10 facts shown in this summary, you can always use the up and down jumper arrows.
Drag and move the search bar using the left gripper.