Export clip lists for trial presentation
Download video clips
On the Annotations page, Case Builder will let you download the video clip associated with an annotation. You can play the video of any annotation by hovering over the row and clicking the "Play" icon that pops up on the lefthand side.
Clicking on the "Play" button will pull up a video player. If you hover over the video player, there is a "Download clip" icon next to the video settings. Click this to download the video clip associated with the annotation.
After clicking the download button, you should see a message on the bottom left of the screen that your download is processing. The .mp4 download will start in your browser, but it can take up to a few minutes for the download to begin as the system generates and prepares the file. You can navigate to other parts of Case Builder, but refreshing or leaving Case Builder in the browser tab where you started the download may interrupt the download process.
All video clips will be named according to the convention Last Name_Start_End.mp4. Start and End both include Page.LineNumber unless End is on the same page as the annotation Start, in which case the End will just have the line number. Like the clip viewer, if the annotation ends before a line, the video clip will save the entire line worth of video and will be named accordingly.
Export clip lists for trial presentation
When your case team needs to present video testimony, Case Builder’s export of clip lists, synchronized transcript files, and videos can expedite the process of creating and exporting clips when used in conjunction with trial presentation software.
A clip list is a file containing a list of page:line pairs for each annotation. When imported into trial presentation software, such as OnCue, TrialDirector, or Sanction, video clips are automatically created.
To export a clip list from Case Builder, navigate to a deposition, click the Export icon, and select Clip list for trial presentation software. This export can be optionally filtered to export only annotations with certain tags applied.
When exporting a clip list, we recommend exporting the synchronized transcript and videos, as all three are necessary to automate clip creation. Synchronized transcripts are provided as .mdb files and videos as .mp4 files.
Case Builder provides three formats of clip lists:
- .txt
- .txt - optimized for OnCue
- .ccs - optimized for TrialDirector
The .txt format is a simple text file containing a list of page:line pairs for all annotations. The page lines are formatted page:line - page:line and is ordered sequentially, starting with the first appearing annotation and ending with the last. Each annotation appears on its own line.
For example:
14:15 - 16:1
17:22 - 17:23
23:11 - 23:11
The .txt - optimized for OnCue option provides a file mapping Case Builder tags to highlight colors when uploaded to OnCue. Each set of annotations with a certain tag applied will be grouped together in the export, as described below. Each highlight color in OnCue has a label; for best results, we recommend renaming the highlight color labels in OnCue to match the names of tags in Case Builder.
In OnCue, select the option to import designations via text file and select the file exported from Case Builder.
[ID=Doe, John Video Clips]
[transcript=Doe, John 2020-10-31]
[hl=Pl Aff Designations]
14:15 - 16:12
17:22 - 17:23
23:11 - 23:11
[hl=Def Aff Designations]
15:11 - 18:22
19:22 - 27:23
43:11 - 44:1
The .ccs - optimized for TrialDirector creates a clip creation script file that will generate a clip for each Case Builder annotation when imported to TrialDirector.
The clip creation script specifies the transcript and a title and description for each clip.
Transcript name: The name of the transcript in TrialDirector must match the name of the transcript in the file before importing for the import to be successful. The transcript name provided in the file will always be in the following format: Last name, First name YYYY-MM-DD.
For instance, depending on your version, TrialDirector may default the transcript name to “Doe, John - Vol 0” or a user of TrialDirector may have edited the name in the software. If a name that does not match the Case Builder clip list export is in TrialDirector, edit the first line of the .ccs file using any text editing software (such as Notepad) to match the TrialDirector transcript name for the import to succeed.
.ccs first line - CaseBuilder default | .ccs first line - edited to match |
!(Doe, John 2020-10-31)
!(Doe, John - Vol 0)
Clip title: The title provided for each clip is Last name Page:Line - Page:Line.
Clip description: If the corresponding annotation has a title, the title will be used as the description. If no title is provided, the description will be left blank, as in the example below for lines 23:11 - 23:11.
In TrialDirector, select the option to import clips from script and select the file exported from Case Builder.
!(Doe, John 2020-10-31)
C(Doe 14:15 - 16:12)
D(Doe admits to reading email)
14:15 - 16:12
C(Doe 15:11 - 18:22)
D(Doe’s education)
15:11 - 18:22
C(Doe 23:11 - 23:11)
23:11 - 23:11
C(Doe 43:11 - 44:1)
D(Doe was on vacation during breach)
43:11 - 44:1