Export from the app
This feature is available for all as of 02/08/2024.
Users can export a witness list of some or all witnesses in a .xlsx format from the "Witnesses" module. In the top right corner, select "export" — filters and searches applied in the witnesses page will also apply to export. The number of witnesses that will be exported displays next to the export icon.
After clicking export, a modal appears in order to confirm the number of witnesses and export in .xlsx format.
Selecting "Cancel" or closing the modal returns the page to the witnesses module. After selecting "Export", the Export modal closes. In the top right corner, a notification appears under Activity and a notification of export status will also temporarily display.
Viewing your export
After opening the downloaded .xlsx, there are two separate tabs: Witnesses and Export details.
In the Witnesses tab, each exported witness is a distinct row with 10 columns/ fields of information:
- Last Name
- First Name
- Description
- Alignment
- Case Impact
- Is an expert?
- Expertise
- Deposition(s) — displays deposition date(s) for witness, which are hyperlinked to the respective deposition(s) in Case Builder
- Facts — displays title of facts and hyperlinks to the Facts on the timeline
- Notes
Export details
The Export details tab contains 7 rows of information:
- Matter name
- Exported date
- Export time
- Exported by (name)
- Exported by (email)
- Search — the search used to generate the list of exported witnesses
- Witnesses exported — displays the total number of witnesses exported, which is hyperlinked to the scoped witness search and should return the exact set of witnesses. Note: if there are greater than 60 witnesses in the export, the hyperlink may not appear because of the url size.